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03 - June 10, 2008

The City of Auburn
Historic Resources Review Board
c/o Office of Planning and Economic Development
Memorial City Hall   -  24 South Street
Auburn, New York  13021
(315) 255-4115    Fax 253-0282

Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2008

Present: Betty Lewis, Mike Deming, Jim Hutchinson, David Thurston, Judith Bryant. Staff: Stephen Selvek, Alicia McKeen

Absent: Paul McDonald

Mike Deming calls the meeting to order.

Certificates of Appropriateness.

180 South St. – 1 Elizabeth St. Richard and Elaine Oughterson. Request to replace one window on the front façade together with repair of the trim.

Rick Oughterson – Pictures show the house and window in question from various angles. The bottom sill is just about flush with the flat roof. Desire is to replace the rotted window and make it a bit shorter and therefore raising it above the roofline to avoid further problems.  Pigeon Roofing will replace the window, wood trim, and also silver coat the roof.

Jim Hutchinson – recommends 4000 series window vs. the 3000.

Stephen Selvek – the purpose of this Board is to protect the historic character.  This window is not readily seen from the street. Changing the size of the window is needed to remediate a problem.  Concerning the vinyl replacement, does not see an issue in this particular instance.

Motion for approval made by Judy Bryant, seconded by Jim Hutchinson. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

64 South St. Beardsley Design Associates. Request for various exterior repairs and renovations including in-kind repair to wood columns, repair or replace soffit and dentils, replace downspouts, replace shutters, construct chimney for furnace exhaust, reconstruct front stone steps and repair/rebuild portions of the side porch.

Stephen Selvek – the application as it stands requires additional information for the requests desired.

Members concur that more info is needed.

Stephen Selvek – asks the Board what else they would like to see.

Board discusses additional items they would like to see and points they would like clarified.

Mike Deming – Steve Selvek can take care of any in-kind requests made for this project.

Motion to table by David Thurston, seconded by Jim Hutchinson. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn made by Jim Hutchinson, seconded by Judy Bryant. All members vote approval.

Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting scheduled for July 8, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.

Recorded by Alicia McKeen